by Kristy Kneiding on 2015-07-24

The Living Desert is pleased to welcome three ringtails and two black-footed cats to the park. The ringtails were born on June 16 to parents Penelope and Abel, who are caring for the kits in their cooled den. The new family is currently on exhibit at the zoo, however ringtails are nocturnal animals so the best time to see them is in the morning or during a special nighttime activity like Starry Safari. The kits usually open their eyes after 30 days. Also new to The Living Desert are two male black-footed cats, recently acquired from the Philadelphia Zoo. Both are 16 months old and are on exhibit in the African section of the zoo, along with other small animals such as the fennec fox and meerkat. “These new additions are going to be popular with our guests at the zoo,” said Alan Monroe, President & CEO of The Living Desert. “It’s very exciting when we get to introduce new animals that many of our visitors have never seen before.” Named after its flashy black-and-white tail, the ringtail is part of the raccoon family and is native to the arid regions of North America, ranging from Oregon to Oaxaca, Mexico. Also known as a cacomistle, these small carnivores typically weigh about three pounds, and possess superior hearing and vision. Their semi-retractable claws and long tail are ideal tools for climbing. The black-footed cat is the smallest wild cat in Africa, weighing 2.5 to 6 pounds. At first glance, these adorable animals resemble a domestic house cat. The cat has large eyes and its fur varies in color from cinnamon-buff to tawny with black or brown patterned spots that merge to form rings on the neck, legs and tail providing the animal camouflage.