by Pavel Bratulin on 2017-01-12

San Bernardino>> Between 10:00 a.m. and noon, more than 100 volunteers, including students, faculty, staff and administrators from the college, canvased neighborhoods in San Bernardino, Colton, Rialto and Highland to distribute schedules and information about spring enrollment during the San Bernardino Valley College’s first-ever Day of Service event. Before departing, the volunteers assembled for a brief meeting inside the Campus Center building. Many volunteers said they had never done anything like this before. Participants were reminded to dress warmly, to be respectful and to smile as they walked around the community. “I am blown away by the student and employee turnout for this event,” said President Diana Z. Rodriguez. “It’s truly touching to see so many of our students and employees with this spirit of service, this feeling that they need to spread the good word about San Bernardino Valley College.” After handing out their entire supply of materials, all participants returned to campus for a barbecue and opportunity drawing. Some students said they were tired but exhilarated. “This was so awesome,” said Edgar Ramierez, student. “I hope to be able to participate in this again in the future.” [END]