by Jody Barnett on 2015-08-17

So you found a house and now you are looking to make the big move. Well, here are a few easy to follow tips to make your move less stressful and more seamless. Getting a quick start is crucial. Whether you have 30, 60 or even 90 days, the time will fly by. First off, start collecting boxes. Cardboard or plastic tubs of all sizes work well. You should label the boxes as this will help on the other end. Also, investing in plastic wrap to protect your larger items, like furniture, is ideal. Do not forget to have your mail forwarded to your new address. Pack a suitcase with any essentials you may need for the first night or two. Be prepared to do a cleaning like you have never done before. You may notice stains where furniture was once standing. You may want to hire a baby/pet sitter to make the transition into your new home smoother. Remember, moving is stressful, so try to make it as fun as possible. Order take out for dinner for the first night so you will not need to cook or do dishes afterwards. Remember to introduce yourself to your new neighbors. It will go a long way with fitting into your new neighborhood. For more moving tips be sure to ask your real estate professional.