by Paul Andrews on 2015-08-24

San Bernardino County Sheriff's deputies arrested a Colton man last week for allegedly ramming his ex-girlfriend's car into a tree. Ruben Castro, 23, of Colton was taken into custody Aug. 17 for assault with a deadly weapon after authorities responded to the area of Redlands Boulevard in Loma Linda at around 10:45 that night, according to sheriff's deputies. The victim was standing outside her wrecked vehicle, deputies said, and she told them her ex-boyfriend, Castro, chased her in his 2010 Nissan Altima. Deputies reported that according to the victim, when she would not stop to talk with Castro, he rammed her car with his vehicle twice, causing her to lose control and collide into a tree. The victim said after the collision, Castro fled the scene in his vehicle and was later apprehended by sheriff's deputies in Colton. Castro was booked into the Central Detention Center and charged with assault. He was released from custody on Aug. 18. Deputies in a news release stated the victim has an active restraining order against Castro, prohibiting him from assaulting, threatening, abusing, harassing, following, interfering or stalking the victim or the victim's child.