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Nick Zupkofska Appointed Utilities Commissioner

By Dr. Luis S Gonzalez
Contributing Writer
02/13/2024 at 06:50 PM

At the council meeting last Tuesday night, Council Member Dr. G (Dr. Luis S Gonzalez) appointed Nick Zupkofska, as a Utilities Commissioner, which was unanimously confirmed by the council.

Nick Zupkofska lives in Council District #3, along with his wife, Melody and two children. They have lived in Colton for 17 years and have discovered that this was a good place to raise a family. For the last 20 years he has worked in the purchasing department for a food service company.

Nick met Dr.G through his attendance at CITY TALK meetings. After a short period of time, he began to attend the Council meetings and many meetings of both the Planning and Utilities Commissions. Over time, his interest in city affairs has grown to the point of asking many questions, making public comment, and showing a desire to learn more and engage further.

When asked about his desire to serve, Nick responded, “I’m interested in serving as a commissioner in order to make a positive impact while performing my civic duty.”  If someone were to count the hours he has already spent attending meetings, there would be no doubt he already has pretty good understanding of the process and of the responsibilities of being a commissioner.

Nick Zupkofska is absolutely ready to take on this responsibility. With his energy, involvement, knowledge and excellent communication skills he’ll be an effective commissioner. His first meeting on the commission was this past Monday, February 12, and he is slated to continue for the next three years during Dr. G’s tenure as a Council Member. Congratulations to Mr Nick Zupkofska on his appointment to the Utilities Commission.

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