Grand Terrace is Second San Bernardino County City to Adopt Cradle to Career Roadmap

By: Jacquie Paul

Community Writer

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Jacquie Paul

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Mike Tasaka, Principal, Washington High School; Mike Snellings, CJUSD Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services; Mirza Martinez, CJUSD Community Cabinet member; Patt Haro, President, CJUSD Board of Education; Stacie Diaz, Business Services Project Analyst with the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools; and Pastors Patty and Dante Marruffo, Community Cabinet members and board member Mrs. Joanne Thoring-Ojeda.

The City of Grand Terrace is the second San Bernardino County city to formally endorse the Cradle to Career Roadmap, thus bolstering local government support for the community’s vision of student success. With a unanimous vote of approval at the Jan. 26, 2016 City Council meeting, Grand Terrace became the second city within the Colton Joint Unified School District to formally adopt the Cradle to Career Roadmap. Colton unanimously adopted a similar resolution in December. “I am so proud of the City of Grand Terrace for taking this important step in endorsing the Cradle to Career Roadmap,” Colton Joint Unified School District Superintendent Jerry Almendarez said. “This formal validation of our county’s educational mission sends a clear and positive message that our local leaders truly care about the future of their community and are willing to do what they can to support their youngest constituents.” “I believe this is a really powerful program,” stated Grand Terrace Mayor Darcy McNaboe. “I can’t imagine anything more powerful in this area than all of these groups coming together with that goal (of promoting student success) in mind.” The Cradle to Career Roadmap is part of the Countywide Vision for the future and is designed to support success for all students from birth through early adulthood. The plan, adopted in 2013 by the Countywide Vision Education Element Group, is a collective impact model designed to ensure that every student has the mindset and disposition for college and career readiness. It includes 10 academic and career readiness success indicators, nine personal and social readiness success indicators; and five pillars of support. The offices of the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools and California State University, San Bernardino facilitated the community efforts to develop the Roadmap. “I am excited that the City of Grand Terrace is supporting the goal of helping every child in our county succeed from cradle to career,” said James Ramos, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. “By adopting the Cradle to Career Roadmap, Grand Terrace has shown a commitment to collaborating on this important goal, ensuring a better future for our children, our economy and our communities.” “As educators, we know how critical it is for the success of our students that they have the support of their families and communities,” added San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Ted Alejandre. “I applaud Grand Terrace for taking this step to support the academic achievement of all students.”