Christmas Came Early This Year at LLUCH

By: Karolyn Dang

Community Writer

Photo Courtesy of:

John Mejia

Photo Description:

Summer Clause takes a photo op with Senior Foundation Specialist, Kelly Phipps, Foundation Champions Major Gifts Officer Tiffany Hoekstra, and a few of the hospital volunteers.

Did you know that 1.5 million children go through the Loma Linda University Children's Hospital (LLUCH) every year? Throughout the year the American Legion, headed by Commander John Mejia, collects and purchases toys to supplement the hospital. The group recently delivered these toys in style. The American Legion invited local car clubs and motorcycle clubs to participate in this year’s “Christmas in July” event. Clubs came from as far as Los Angeles to give the Sons of the American Legion Post 155 a helping hand for the annual event. Each year, participating groups and organizations meet at the Courtyard Shopping Center on Washington Ave in Colton as early as 6:30 a.m. to help make this goal possible. From there, a parade of cars and motorcycles ride all the way down to the entrance of the Loma Linda University Children's Hospital. The whole idea of Christmas in July is "to remind us that while we're standing here strong and healthy, there are those of us that aren't as fortunate," Mejia said. This annual event allows groups to give the children recognition and to show them that people do love them and care about them. "It's not their fault that they're there," Mejia commented. "But it's up to us and the community to make these kids feel good." This year, a special moment occurred as a particular patient came out to visit Santa Claus. A 16-year-old girl was wheeled out of the hospital by her mother. The girl had just come out of a major surgery and was left unable to speak. She was in tears when her mother said that it was her birthday. In that moment, everyone in the crowd gathered to sing "Happy Birthday" to her. "Can you imagine how many of those children spend their birthdays in hospital beds or come out of surgery and are stuck in their room?" Mejia questioned. This young girl, as well as several other patients, was escorted to the hospital entrance where Summer Claus sat with a truck load of toys. Each patient received a toy of their choice and had a chance to look around at all the classic cars and road bikes. All the toys that were left over were separated by age group and stored in bins so the hospital could use them for future gift-giving occasions like birthdays. With the help of Foundation Champions Major Gifts Officer Tiffany Hoekstra and Senior Foundation Specialist Kelly Phipps, this year's Christmas in July was deemed a success. The Sons of the American Legion Post 155 plan on donating a substantial amount to the hospital in August. In ten years of planning and coordinating, the American Legion has thus far raised over $100,000 for LLUCH. Immediately following the closing of the event, Commander John Mejia has already started planning for next year's Christmas in July. A date has already been set with the hospital. Commander Mejia would like to thank everyone on behalf of the Sons of the American Legion Post 155 for their help and support. Without the help of volunteers, the event wouldn't have been possible. To solidify their partnership, the American Legion officially adopted the Loma Linda University Children's Hospital. "You're in my backyard and we're going to do anything we can to support you," Mejia told Dr. Riesen of the Pediatrics department.