Immanuel Baptist Salt Light Ministry Invites Speakers Senator Mike Morrell and Supervisor James Ramos to Discuss Morals Beli

By: Jim Miller

Community Writer

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Jim Miller

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Senator Mike Morrell (left) and San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors Chairman James Ramos (right) at the dias at Immanuel Baptist's morals and beliefs session.

Last Thursday, April 23, Immanuel Baptist sponsored an evening with elected governmental officials to discuss how church and state can work together to help restore the nation’s biblical and moral foundation. The mission of the Salt & Light Ministry is to be a resource to Immanuel’s congregation and to the surrounding Inland Empire churches to provide updated information regarding non-partisan voter registration and impending legislation dealing with morals and beliefs and then contact the initiating legislators. Both State Senator Mike Morrell and Third District Supervisor of the San Bernardino County James Ramos have strong religious backgrounds, and believe the church is the foundation needed for change from the moral decay that is manifesting itself at the current time. Sen. Morrell said, “Both James and I both talk and text each other during the week to discuss certain biblical passages that we feel pertain to a particular governmental issues that we both feel we need to pray about to a higher authority. It has been a pleasure to have another political figure that understands and values my personal moral beliefs, as I do his.” As was pointed out by both speakers and chronicled in Salt & Light Ministry’s brochure, our freedom is a magnificent legacy bestowed on us by our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Founding Fathers keenly developed a system of government that can preserve this legacy when men of moral character are in leadership. The church has become convinced to withdraw from involvement in the public sector; leaders have been passing laws that do not reflect or uphold our Christian values. As Americans, we have a God-given commission to be involved in all sectors of society, including government. Supervisor Ramos was elected to the County Board in 2012, and from 2005 to 2012 was a member of the San Bernardino Community College Board of Trustees where he served as the first Native American to the board. Ramos said, “My belief in the Lord has provided me with the means to handle difficult situations that arise within both my private and public life; I’m always looking to him to help guide me through treacherous waters, and believe me we (the believers) are being tested every day. The Salt & Light Ministry is an invaluable resource for helping change the minds of non-believers and those searching for higher morals.” As was quoted by Charles G. Finney, on Dec. 4, 1873 (Pastor and The Father of Modern Revivalism), “If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.” With political figures that get involved and perform God's work like Sen. Morrell and Supervisor Ramos, the moral strength of our nation can be restored once again, as was verified last Thursday evening.