Amazon Donates 10K in School Supplies to Local Elementary

By: Kelly Koehler

Community Writer

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Kelly Koehler

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Scott Anderson, Amazon Operations Director, and his team surprise Urbita teachers with 40 cases of paper, a printer for every grade level and school supplies.

SAN BERNARDINO>> Amazon made a special delivery to Urbita Elementary School in San Bernardino and surprised teachers with new school supplies to help support them and their students, as well as to start the new school year on the right foot. Many teachers across the United States personally spend between $400-$1,500 on school supplies each year for their students – and the teachers at Urbita are no exception. “Amazon is proud to help share and celebrate the hard work of Inland Empire teachers who are doing everything they can to create a successful learning environment for their students,” said Scott Anderson, Amazon Operations Director. The special delivery of Amazon Smile packages filled with supplies and much needed items like paper, printers and craft supplies such as crayons and construction paper, is an effort to ease the financial burden for teachers so that they can start the year with the proper supplies to help their students create, invent and imagine to their fullest potential. “Surprising my teachers with this generous gift from Amazon is the best way to kick off the new school year," said Keith Keiper, Urbita Elementary School Principal. "We are so grateful and look forward to a continued partnership with Amazon."