PossAbilities Hosts Wheelchair and Walker Collection Drive

By: Kayla Sheldon

Community Writer

Photo Courtesy of:

Kayla Sheldon

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(From left) Mary Mook, Elizabeth Kelly, Holly Carter, Jeanette Caruso-Burkhart, and Tilden Spencer as they gathered behind a batch of donated wheelchairs.

On Friday, Sept. 19, LLUH hosted a Wheelchair and Walker Collection Drive. Jeannette Caruso-Burkhart, Chair Corps Representative for the Joni and Friends Wheels of the World program, Supervisor Holly Carter, Coordinator Elizabeth Kelly and volunteers Mary Mook and Tilden Spencer gathered together early in the morning to set up for the day. Joni and Friends Wheels of the World program networks with churches, businesses, hospitals, and civic organizations to collect used wheelchairs that will be restored for other children who are in need of them. Inmates from different correctional facilities throughout the country work to restore the donated wheelchairs to an improved condition. After the wheelchairs are restored, they are shipped to other countries in need like China, Haiti, Thailand, Ghana, and El Salvador. "Not to brag, but we are second in the nation on collection of wheelchairs," volunteer Spencer said. The first to donate a wheelchair for the day was a couple, Ron and Denise Yerman. Shortly after, a truck filled with five wheelchairs came driving up. "So many people can't make it here, so we go pick them up," Chair Corps Representative Caruso-Burkhart said as a truck full of wheelchairs pulled up; "We drive a long way to pick up just one wheelchair, but it's a wheelchair." "She does such a great job leading this group," Carter said about Caruso-Burkhart. Since 2008, they have collected about 2,500 wheelchairs.