Colton Seniors Gather for Patriots Day

By: Kelly Phelps

Community Writer

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Kelly Phelps

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Local veterans, from left: Joe Delgado, Leon Aldeen and William Aragon - shared their stories and photos from their service.

On Thursday, Sept. 11, the Colton Community Services 50+ Club members gathered together in honor of Patriots Day; also known as The National Day of Service. The Presidential Proclamation calls on Americans to "participate in community service in honor of those our Nation lost” and to celebrate their memories. Each senior willing to share solemnly gave their accounts of where they were when the two towers fell and how the event affected them personally. After a moment of silence several of the seniors shared their stories from their time of service. There were Veterans of WWII and Vietnam, plus a relief worker of Hurricane Katrina. Many even brought their metals to share, including a Purple Heart and Metal of Honor. Soon the Luque Center was full of the “Ooh” and “Ah” sounds of amazement, and then some moments of laughter over these experiences. Cruz De La Cruz, a Senior Recreation Leader, lead everyone in a National Day of Service activity of writing special messages of gratitude and well wishes to those who still serve. The day ended with many seniors sharing a hug, promising to never forget, and expressing the desire to contribute to their community as the feel they (Colton’s 50+ Club) still have a lot to offer still.