Voice of the People The Heart and Soul Mayoral Race of Colton

By: Carmelita Gonzalez

Lifelong Colton Resident

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Two hometown candidates are putting forth every effort to win the 2014 Colton mayoral election, both with great experience and knowledge of Colton politics. These two candidates bring forth their ideas for Colton’s future, some new and some old. Candidate De La Rosa, age 50, and candidate Gonzales, age 79, are not going to see things eye-to-eye, and for the better of the community the right candidate must be elected for the job. We need growth, fresh ideas and old issues resolved. Candidate Gonzales speaks of having the power, but doesn’t place his statement on any specific agenda for the good of the city. Candidate De La Rosa continually puts forth the statement that he works for the people of Colton, “the residents,” listening to and acting upon their needs and concerns. Both candidates have 12 years plus direct involvement in Colton politics. However, we need a candidate with an impact on Colton’s needs. We don’t need a “GODFATHER,” we need a mayor that listens and who’s not intimidating; one who takes orders, not gives them; who will ask, listen and act with a sincere heart, not consumed by just having the “POWER.” Which of these candidates will do this for our community, our city? Who clearly has the vitality, wisdom and sincere leadership to do the job for the people? So I ask my community of 68 years to pull together and make the choice on Nov. 4, 2014. Our youth are counting on us to responsibly choose the right candidate so that our city can grow in a positive direction, persevere, and create a solid foundation for their future!