Hope Love and Salvation

By: Margie Miller

Grand Terrace Publisher

Photo Courtesy of:

Margie Miller

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Salvation Army Moreno Valley Corps Community Center's Lieutenants David and Kelly Cain, the newest officers to the Moreno Valley Corps, and their son, Micah.

Hearkening to its Christian mission to meet human need without discrimination, the Salvation Army provides more than a place to stay, food to eat and addiction rehabilitation services for those in need; it also provides hope, love, understanding, compassion and salvation. Established in 1865, the Salvation Army has grown into an international ministry based on Christian values and the goal to meet the material, emotional and spiritual needs of those who come to its doors. Its redemptive impact is so great that often times the people who receive services from the Salvation Army are compelled to give back themselves to the organization that helped them in their time of need, and guide others down the path of deliverance. "It was a beginning with a second chance," said Lieutenant David Cain of the Salvation Army's Moreno Valley Corps Community Center as he recalled the way his life changed dramatically after he came to the Salvation Army for assistance. He came to the Salvation Army during a dark point in his life, Cain explained. Previously he'd led a life in the party scene and, battling addictions, he found himself at the Salvation Army's Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) in Perris. Cain completed the 6-month program and turned his life around. "I felt so grateful for what the Salvation Army had done for me that I continued to volunteer at their church in Murrieta," he said. Eventually Cain was employed full time by the Salvation Army and worked close with ARC and as a young adult pastor there. He met his wife, Lieutenant Kelly Cain, through the Salvation Army as they ministered to the greater area. She, too, felt called to give back to the organization that helped her in her darkest hour. "God led me to the Salvation Army three days before Christmas and I knew I was home," said Kelly. Having escaped an abusive marriage and enduring the loss of both of her parents, Kelly also struggled with addictions, which she used as a coping mechanism. "The Salvation Army didn't look at me and see the mistakes I'd made. They simply saw a person who was in need of help," said Kelly. So touched by her experience with the Salvation Army was she that Kelly, too, felt called to give back to others. she became a youth pastor and found she had a passion for ministry. Today, the Cains are the Moreno Valley Corps Community Center's newest officers, and as ordained ministers they have the opportunity to reach out to those in need and hear their stories with a unique understanding and empathy. "Often we feel a lot of shame that keeps us from reaching out. We've been there, so we know that there's genuine need, but we also know when it's appropriate to step back," said David. "That provides us with discretion to deal with clients with genuine heart. “ The Cains explained they are dedicated to giving back to others and helping the community so near to where they both grew up: David in Riverside, Kelly in Yucaipa. "It's so amazing that god brought us back here," said Kelly. "I believe we are far more blessed than those we are blessing. We both know this is God's calling and we are filling that calling." The Cains, along with dozens of other volunteers, work tirelessly to provide services to the Moreno Valley community, which they said is in great need. The Moreno Valley Corps Community Center faces several challenges, including a large need for food donations, volunteers and facility space. But despite these challenges, the Cains and the volunteers and staff at the Moreno Valley Corps remain dedicated to serving others and meeting their needs. Just recently, the Moreno Valley Corps hosted a Vacation Bible Study where they hosted 50 children and handed out more than 350 food boxes during the USDA Food Giveaway. "The need is great and the resources are short," said Kelly, but many are dedicated to serving others. "We welcome them with open arms, we love them and we will help in any way we can within our means," said Kelly. "Our entirety is driven by grace and that grace has to fill in the cracks of every story we don't know. We hope that people will be changed by the love of God," David said. If you would like to donate food, funds or volunteer your time, visit their website or contact them at 951-653-9131. The Moreno Valley Corps Community Center is located at 14068 Graham Avenue in Moreno Valley.