Spring Cleaning in Colton

By: Miguel Cruz

Community Writer

Photo Courtesy of:

Miguel Cruz

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Explorer Guzman, Explorer J. Perez, Sargent Dominguez, and Bill Harring made sure that the Clean-Up event ran smoothly.

Spring was in the air, and so was spring cleaning, as Colton Parks and Facilities, the Colton Police Department and Republic Services (formerly Colton Disposal), worked together to provide another Community Clean-Up Day. The event, which started at 7 a.m. Saturday morning and continued until 1 p.m., is offered twice each year, allowing Colton residents and businesses to bring items they would like to dispose of for free disposal as long as the items follow certain criteria. As was advertised in the several flyers and media in which the event was promoted, no concrete, toxic materials, tires, or e-waste was accepted at the event. Shirley Patrick from the San Bernardino County Fire Department was present to direct Colton residents to the proper centers to dispose of items that could not be accepted on site. "We are diverting waste from the street. It's a beautification project," said JR Smith, of the Parks and Facilities division, who was supervising the event. Sergeant Henry Dominguez was there with few Colton PD explorer volunteers, and local residents completing assigned community service. "The help we receive from the explorers and those completing community service speeds up the process, so that residents don't have to wait in long lines," said Dominguez. The waste was separated on site, placed in different bins designated for landfill waste, metals, or green waste, and was then taken to the Inland Regional Material Recovery Facility & Disposal Center in Colton, or the CVT Regional Material Recovery Facility & Disposal Center in Anaheim where further sorting and disposal takes place.