Colton Yellowjacket Band Kicks off New School Year with Car Wash
By: Dr. Luis S. Gonzalez
Contributing Writer
Photo Courtesy of:
Dr. Luis S. Gonzalez
Photo Description:
Colton High School Band Students with Dr.G, parents and Director Aron Campbell
Last Saturday, about 40 band students from Colton High School rallied around Band Director Aron Campbell to hold their first event of the coming new season. With the opening of school just around the corner, the members of the Yellowjacket Band knew just what to do when tasked with organizing a fundraiser for much needed musical equipment and supplies.
“The costs of operating a band are high,” says Director Campbell, who went on to explain, “our students and their parents have to chip in and help with raising money so that we can have successful season.” This car wash during the summer was one of those great ideas that was easy to organize, fun to do, and was very effective in raising money and bringing awareness of this cherished program. “We wanted to raise money for the band program,” exclaimed Brenda Uriarte, one of the volunteer parents who not only helps with band activities but serves as President of the Band Boosters.
Given the beautiful summer day, the weather was perfect for a car wash and all of the band students, both upper classmen and new members, had a great time. Not only did the students have fun staying cool in the water, but they had the opportunity to meet and to work together. Several parents joined in as well. They helped organize the students into groups who set-up an effective production line of rinse-wash-rinse-dry. This was a smooth-running operation.
According to Uriarte, over 120 cars stopped by the Hubbs Gym to support the band and have their car washed. One of the most well-known supporters of the band, Dr.G, the former Band Director and current Council Member, brought his famous G-Car to be washed. Other “customers” included family members, friends and several cars that decided to stop by when they saw the event going on. Overall, this was a good start to the new school year, and a “great way to bring the kids together,” as Uriarte explained.
The members of the Yellowjacket Band, along with their Director Aron Campbell, and their parent supporters are to be congratulated for their efforts in raising money in support of the Band program at Colton High School. May their efforts continue to be supported and their hard work bring success and fulfillment of their goals and dreams.
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