Drugs are REDiculous Wear Red

By: Amanda Ridder

Staff Writer

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The community is invited to take an active part in Terrace View Elementary's Red Ribbon Week which will be held Monday Oct. 5 to Friday Oct. 9.

Red Ribbon Week at Terrace View Elementary (TVE) will be held on October 5th through the 9th, and the Red Ribbon Week Committee encourages the community to show support by wearing red shirts, red ribbons and displaying red ribbons at their homes and businesses during that week. The community is also invited to come out on Brentwood (located near the back school fence) on Monday at 8 a.m. for the ribbon tying assembly. Throughout the week, various activities will be happening at the school and important attendees will be present, including Mayor McNaboe and the Fire Department. Princial Adeyamo and Vice Principal Grier will also be in attendant. Tiffany Gordon, Athletic Director of Grand Terrace High School, and 60 students in uniform will go to classrooms to read and talk about healthy activities. TVE students will be participating in a poster contest using Stater Bros. bags which will be judged by the Fire Department. The winners will put food in their bags and present them to a Women’s Club representative and take to families in need. Classrooms will also be taking part in a door decorating contest. Prizes will include a Stater Bros. gift card for an ice cream party, and one teacher will receive a Starbucks basket. The Red Ribbon Committee, comprised of three new PTA members – Areli Sanchez, Christy Kester, and Julia Firnkoess- seek to educate all children about the danger of drug abuse. 850 apples have been donated by David and Penny Radtke of Dimare International to encourage students to eat healthy. Students will also be taking home some red ribbon booklets, book marks, and other items for reminders of drug prevention awareness and to show their families. “All children need to know they have the choice to say ‘No,’” Julia Firnkoess said regarding the week-long event. “We appreciate the support from the community of Grand Terrace, the administration, teachers and staff at Terrace View Elementary School.” The Committee would like to give special thanks to the following: Mayor McNaboe, the Foundation of Grand Terrace, the City of Grand Terrace, Harold Duffey; the City Manager, Dance Dimensions Studio, Habu Ewing, the community center, the Art Barn, Fiesta Village, CalSkate, UpDog, David and Penny Radtke, Starbucks - Washington St., Grand Terrace Stater Bros., Chillz, Grand Terrace Fired Department, Tiffany Gordon, Corporal Camacho, and parents and teachers of TVE.