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Colton Lions Back pack give away

By Christina Gaitan
Colton Lions Backpack give away
07/30/2024 at 01:26 PM

On Saturday July 20, 2024 The Colton Lions Club had a backpack give away . The Lions pass out ninety six prefilled backpacks to the Children  of The City of Colton . Each lion usually picks a project(event) they have a compassion for and runs the event. President Cynthia Calderilla's project is The Backpack give away held right before the children of Colton returns back to school.

With the help of the rest of the Lions. She applied for a Foster team grant which she received for the backpacks .

Children's Dental Fun Zoned donated a bag for each backpack which included a tooth brush & information on the Dental office , which is located in the City of Colton.

The Colton Lion's Club is always giving back to the community & volunteers for events held in the City of Colton .

If Interested in becoming a lion please reach out to Cynthia Calderilla 909-503-3991 . If you like to become a member of the Chamber please reach out to Christina Gaitan 909-235-0586 Follow the Chamber on

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